Frequently Asked Questions

How is hiring a proof-reader different from plagiarism?
So imagine you’re going out to a fancy dinner and you know you want to impress. So you dig out your best pair of shoes. If they’re a little worn and dull you might buy some polish or pay someone along the way to shine them up for you. That’s proofreading. Maybe instead you borrow someone else’s shoes without asking, or steal their laces to replace your own. That’s plagiarism. So we promise you won’t need to worry about our service.
Why would I need a professional proofreader? Why can’t I just ask a mate or my Mum?
Proofreading is exhausting. Trust us. You don’t want to saddle a friend with the task of correcting you without adequate remuneration. And even then their bias and similar experience-level to you will only help point out a few of the more obvious errors in your writing. With us, your work isn’t just kept in line; we set out to enhance your language and present the best version of your thoughts back to you.
Who proofreads the proofreaders? And how can I be sure the service is worthwhile?
Well, firstly, we wouldn’t have started this little business if we weren’t already compulsive self-correctors. We will never return your work to you without a triple-check proofreading of our own adjustments.
And secondly, we guarantee you a full refund if we return your work after your set time-frame. And just message us to ask for various ‘before- and after-‘ examples of how our service has greatly aided our previous clients.
Can I specify a quicker return-time? How do your rates compare to others?
Yes. Our rate-calculator is just a template. Message us directly with your exact needs and specifications and we’ll set a custom-rate and do our best to fulfill your needs. We’ll always get back to you within the hour.
And our per-word rate is the industry standard. But our cover-charges for our enhanced services are substantially cheaper than anyone else. We know that undergrads rushing to hand in their literature reviews need just as much support and sympathy as PhD’s checking their tenth drafts.
Ready to give your work the polish it deserves?