How It Works
We’ll make sure your thesis, dissertation, essay, paper, assignment, report, novel, poem, draft, text, manuscript, presentation, powerpoint, lecture, resume, CV, application, screed, menu, speech, article, schedule, letter, memo, post, sermon, lyric-sheet (or any other document) is error-free, compelling and ideally formatted.

Editing & Proofreading

Referencing & Formatting

Plagiarism Checks

Tell us your requirements & place your order

Give us a few details, choose your time-frame and level of service – Degree-level or Advanced – and finally send us your file.

We'll Confirm Receipt

Ask You to Email Your Doc

Leave the work to us.

We’ll take your paragraphs to the cleaners – not once, but three times. First, to re-punctuate your prose. Second, to clarify your points. And third, to let your ideas breathe.

Faultless Grammar

Transparent Prose

Lively Sentences

Receive your proofread document

Our time-frame is just a deadline – we’ll almost always return your work much sooner, and if you need any further adjustments we’ll amend our own work at no extra cost. And we’re always available for feedback and follow-ups.

Polished Work

Free Feedback And Amendments

Submit Your Best Work!
Ready to give your work the polish it deserves?

Client Results

Achieve the academic success you deserve
Your document is proofread to remove all language errors (in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and more). It can also be expertly edited to improve the style, clarity, sentence structure, and coherence.

Perfect and precise referencing
To ensure that your references are accurate and perfect, we have in-depth knowledge of several referencing guidelines such as the APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, IEEE, OSCOLA, and MHRA styles.

Completely confidential and secure
You will get full credit for your finely edited academic document, with our strict confidentiality policy. In addition, our servers use 256-bit SSL encryption technology so that your documents are completely secure.